Wednesday, June 30, 2010

my proFile

Hi^^weLcoMe to mY BloG...

mY naMe Tan HUng Yee...Can cAll mE "Tan"..
i comE fRom JohOR ,BaTu pAhaT....
i take couse Diploma UkuR TanAh..
i am a sem 3 student and my class is DUT3B....
Now..i stay in hostel "AL-Ghazali"....

My StyLe is very cool ooO..
but i is a very kind person....
i also is a very funny person ooO..

i now still single Ooo..
but until now...i still waiting for one special person Ooo...
i will waiting until that special person accept mE ooO..

nOw i find FrieNdshIp..
All person for be my friend ooOO.....
i will waiting u all ooO...*^.^*

1 comment:

  1. Hi Henry..don't get day you will find that special person...or maybe she'll find's just a matter of time..:) by the way, why must you end everything with an "oooo" i guess that is your style too..^.^
